At The Arc of Allegan County, our goal is to empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) to engage in society meaningfully and with dignity.
In an ideal world, accessing services to meet basic needs and lay the groundwork for inclusion and equity would be straightforward, stigma-free, and readily available and accessible to all. While The Arc and many like-minded individuals and organizations continually push for such a world, we’re not quite there yet.
That’s why The Arc provides information and referral services on a variety of topics including access to services, housing, future planning, public benefits, and system navigation.
If you have a question, please contact our office. We’d be happy to point you in the right direction and connect you with the services to support your need.
Every recreational gathering at The Arc is filled with smiles, laughter, acceptance, and love. We respect and celebrate everyone’s unique abilities, gifts, and contributions to society.
Individuals with IDDs, their loved ones and caregivers, and our volunteers and supporters gather for several social and recreational opportunities every month. With help from the SPARC Committee, the Program Committee, and other volunteers, offerings change seasonally and over time to keep our events fresh and of interest to The Arc community at large.
Classes are free and open to any community members who wish to participate.
Check out our calendar to learn what activities are currently offered.
Our seasonal dances are one of our most popular events! Offered four times a year, the dances include music from a live DJ, a meal, a photo station, and camaraderie for all!
Individuals with IDDs, their loved ones and caregivers, and the community at large are invited to attend.
Each year, we look forward to hosting our:
The location of each dance varies. A small admission fee is charged at the door; those with current memberships to The Arc are admitted free of charge. Advanced registration is required to assist us in meal preparation.
The Arc also promotes learning opportunities on topics of interest to our members/supporters capitalizing on the expertise of partner organizations.
Topics will generally focus on equipping our clients, their families, and our supporters to be better informed and more resilient self-advocates.
These learning opportunities are shared on our Facebook page. Like and follow us there for more information!